
Frequently Asked Questions


How much do private violin lessons cost?

Lessons are available in 4, 8 and 16 week packages.

30-minute: 4 Weeks $80; 8 Weeks $150; 16 Weeks $280

60-minute: 4 Weeks $160; 8 Weeks $300; 16 Weeks $560

How much do group violin lessons cost?

We currently offer 2 group lessons: 30-min for kids ages 5-12 and 60-minute for teens/adults (13+). 

30-minute: 4 Weeks $40; 8 Weeks $75; 16 Weeks $140

60-minute: 4 Weeks $80; 8 Weeks $150; 16 Weeks $280


Do private lessons really make a difference?

This is a question we get asked a lot by parents, but there is no general, one-size-fits-all answer. The short answer is yes, private lessons will make a significant difference. That said, there are many factors to consider before committing to private lessons. They require effort, time, commitment, investment, and an idea of the desired outcome.

When your child is just starting out, we suggest participating in a group class initially. This will give the student a feel for the violin, establish camaraderie, and boost confidence among peers to achieve difficult skills.

But once your child becomes bitten by the “violin bug” and wants to compete or move up a level, one-on-one lessons with an experienced instructor can be invaluable. It’s not only a matter of private lessons improving your child’s violin skillset – it’s also about how much faster your child will grow as a student.

For example, we took a look at a group of young students in one of our classes. It was amazing to see the difference between those who were taking private lessons in addition to the class and those who weren’t. The private lesson participants moved to the top of the group and into the next level TWICE as fast!

In another case, we saw two friends (same age, same musical ability) who started the Beginner Violin Class at the same time.  After two months, one decided to take private lessons, the other didn’t. The results were astonishing: The child taking the private lessons moved into another level at a much more rapid pace.

Getting one-on-one attention will show your child the proper way to handle the violin to give him or her the highest advantage.  During one-on-one lessons, instructors will also give your child individualized exercises and drills that will strengthen the muscles they need to excel in playing.

In a private lesson, a student and instructor can work on the tiny details of each technical element: from the simple basics to more advanced combinations of complex pieces of music. All these elements are executed in private lessons over and over again and again until they are a natural part of the student’s repertoire.

Instructors will also show the student how to develop his or her own approach and style. They can help students discover what strengths they have and what techniques work best for them. An instructor can also help the student pinpoint their weaknesses on the spot and develop a strategy to counteract them. Having his or her own style is the mark of a masterful violinist.

Additionally, private lessons allow instructors to customize the learning for the skill level and individuality of the student. One-on-one lessons give the instructor the time they need to break down and critique each movement for the individual so that he or she learns the precise way to play. It can make the difference between being a decent student and a fantastic one!

Can your child progress without the benefit of private lessons? 

Of course they can!

It is pure human nature to mimic each other. That’s how we learn!  When we practice with advanced players, we tend to repeat and copy their moves or elements on some degree – especially children, who do this on a more instinctive level rather than a cerebral one.

By attending a class with more advanced students, children new to the instrument will experience a subtle and natural form of learning through imitation during the exercises. The problem with this process of learning is that mimicking behavior can only go so far – the student may see the movements of the advanced student, but miss the subtleties of the technique. Or they may learn an incorrect method or bad habit. Unfortunately in group lessons, there are many students so the instructor cannot fix every mistake that occurs. These habits then become ingrained in the student and are difficult to unlearn later on. After all, it’s easier to learn a new good habit than to unlearn a bad one!

This is why we stress that students who are serious need the benefit of private lessons. Nearly all advanced players around the world incorporate private lessons into their regular weekly practice routine. Often violinists will take additional private lessons before an important competition to prepare themselves.

Private lessons do require added time and investment, so we suggest that you don’t engage in them unless you or your child is serious about the violin and wants to make this dedication. We recommend that you discuss how private lessons can be incorporated into your lesson program with your instructor.

Bottom line: Private lessons are well worth the time and commitment.  They will help the student improve at a much more rapid pace while developing their own style and technique. Private lessons are the key to turning a satisfactory student into a dynamite one!

Do I need to buy a violin for lessons?

No, you do not necessarily have to purchase a violin. The Violin Center offers a very affordable rental program for as low as $15/month. Once you are committed to the instrument, we would recommend investing in a quality violin that you feel very comfortable with. Just ask us!

What if I need to cancel a lesson?

As long as you give us a 24-hour notice, you will receive full credit for your lesson. You may either schedule a make-up lesson or simply come in the following week.

